

Osnivača sajta
Staff member
9 Avgust 2003
New Plymouth New Zealand
Danas oko 13 h dosao nam je u posetu mail pravi tornado. Iako mu je velicina bila mala za njegovu snagu to ne bi moglo da se kaze. Naravno ja nemam pojima kako izgleda veliki tornado ali i ovo je sasvim dovoljno.

Da budem iskren ja sam za njega cuo preko TV-a iako se sve to desilo nedaleko od mesta gde sam se ja nalazio u to vreme, manje od jednog kilometra vazdusnom linijom. Tu gde sam ja bio sve je izgledalo normalno, hladni kisni dan sa vrlo slabim vetrom.

Tornado je dosao s mora, prosetao se malo unaokolo i jednostavno iscezao. Na svom putu je ostavio prepoznatljiv trag, lom i nered. Interesantno je videti kako na svom putu sve lomi a samo takoreci metar dalje sve je ostalo netaknuto.

Eto mala zemlja pa i mali tornado.

Ovo su par slika iz novina tek da se vidi kako je to bilo.


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Tornados are common at this time of year in this location of NZ. The only thing unusual with this tornado is that it struck the central business area of town.

The middle photo of the tornado is a hoax. You have been HAD like a lot of other people. :ebote:

Quote: Hoax picture puts twist on tornadoes
5:00AM Saturday July 07, 2007
By David Eames

The creator of this digital image says she was astonished to see it end up on the television news and websites.
A faked picture of a Taranaki twister bearing down on New Plymouth has prompted a review of processes throughout New Zealand's newsrooms.
A woman has admitted using the Photoshop picture-editing program to superimpose a tornado sweeping ashore in the New Plymouth CBD, but says the picture was supposed only to be an in-house prank.
But to her surprise the image featured prominently on One News' Wednesday bulletin, and on 3News the same night.
The woman told the spareroom website she was baffled that neither television network had checked the authenticity of the image.
"It took two minutes to make and was so fudged it wasn't funny."
News of the fake put the wind up a number of news agencies, who have moved to review their procedures for images from the public.
Herald online deputy editor Paul Smith said the image appeared briefly on the website about 5pm on Wednesday, but was removed about an hour later.
"A member of the public emailed and suggested it was fake. We took another look at it and decided they were probably right."

The image had been sent to the website from a reader, he said.
TV3 spokesman Roger Beaumont said the picture had arrived at the station with "a number of legitimate pictures".
Though the station was still investigating, it was a timely reminder to be careful with contributions.
A review was also being carried out at TVNZ, spokeswoman Rachel Lorimer said. Though the network accepted material in good faith, it was aware that pictures and video footage could easily be faked.
Neither television station, nor the Herald online, paid for the image.
- additional reporting NZPA
šok, vilica do poda...

totalno sam zadnje vrijeme van svega, informacija, vijesti, ne bi da živim na Marsu

(dobro je da tornado nije bio na tvom putu)